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Stars in the Tumbler is the first stage in Moodist Beach.



At first glance, this stage may look quite intimidating, featuring two St. Dobers and Starred Alien spam meaning any attempt at brute forcing them will be completely impossible. However, the low base health and Starred Alien spam are completely intentional; you're meant to use the Gardeneel Bros' warp ability to warp a powerful attacker into the enemy base, then destroy it before the enemies get to yours.

Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Mohawk Cat, Eraser Cat, Manic Mohawk Cat, Manic Eraser Cat, Jellycat, Seafarer Cat (Freeze UP talent recommended), Chill Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat. Fill the remaining slots with combos.

Cannon: Thunderbolt

Like mentioned earlier, all you need to do is send out an attacker (in this case, A. Bahamut) to get warped by the Gardeneel Bros and destroy the base. At the start, use your meatshields, Seafarer, and Chill Cats to stall the Aliens. After hitting the base, continue your meatshield spam and wait for the St. Dobers to reach a little less than halfway through the battlefield. Now, send out A. Bahamut right as the Gardeneel Bros are about land a hit and watch as it gets warped to the base. You can use your Thunderbolt to help with the timing and prevent A. Bahamut from getting killed by the St. Dobers. If your Bahamut timing goes sour, you can always force quit and restart the stage without spending energy. Once he makes it, all you'll have to do is to stall the St. Dobers until Bahamut manages to destroy the base,

