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Version 13.7 has arrived on The Battle Cats JP now!


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Talents are an upgrade mechanic implemented in the Version 8.0 Update. Once unlocked by clearing Into the Future Chapter 3, this mechanic allows players to unlock and develop a selection of (normally) five or six upgrades for certain True Form cats that are level 30 or above. As a companion mechanic to Talents, Talent Orbs were introduced in Version 9.7 and grant units equipped with them increased offensive and/or defensive power against a trait of choice. An expansion to Talents - classified as Ultra Talents - was added in Version 12.1, allowing certain Uber Rare Cats to unlock one to three additional Talents and equip a second Talent Orb when they are upgraded to level 60 or above.


Talent 6

NP Coin

"Exchange unneeded Cat Units for NP, then use your collected NP to unlock or upgrade new abilities (Talents) for a cat's True Form. Each True Form has a different set of Talents that can be unlocked." - In-game description

Unlocking Talents requires NP, which can be obtained by exchanging Cats or Talent Orbs in Storage after Into the Future Chapter 3 has been completed. The amount of NP awarded is dependent on the item's rarity, with rarer items being worth more NP. However, merging D-grade Talent Orbs into a higher grade always results in a significant loss in NP value.

The amount of NP earned for each unit/Orb is as below:

Unit Rarity NP Value
Normal 1 (default)
2 (Cat Capsules+)
Special 1
Rare 5
Super Rare 15
Uber Rare 50
Legend Rare 150
Orb Grade NP Value Merge Change*
D 1 -
C 1 -1
B 2 0 (-2)
A 7 +1 (-5)
S 25 +4 (-11)

* First number represents NP value lost (or gained) by merging from the previous grade, number in parenthesis represents total value loss by merging from D grade.
To use NP, visit the Upgrade Menu, then select a True Formed Cat with Talents and choose which one you would like to unlock or upgrade. Almost all Cats have five or more different Talents to unlock, some of which can be further developed up to nine (or in Catasaurus' case, four) times.

Talent Types[]

Theoretically, any target trait or effect/ability in the game can become a Talent for units in future updates. However, the abilities listed and described below are exclusive to Talents (L represents a value equal to the level of the Talent, X represents a value which differs between units with the same Talent):


  • Resist Weaken: Reduces the duration of Weaken effects by (10+6L)%.
  • Resist Freeze: Reduces the duration of Freeze effects by (10+6L)%.
  • Resist Slow: Reduces the duration of Slow effects by (10+6L)%.
  • Resist Knockback: Reduces the push distance of Knockback effects by 5L%. Does not affect the duration of Knockbacks. Only 2 units have different growth: Juliet the Maiko's push distance reduction is (20+3L)%, while King Gamereon's push distance reduction is (10+6L)%.
  • Resist Wave: Reduces the damage of wave attacks by 5L%. Only 1 unit has different growth: Cameraman Cat's wave damage reduction is (20+3L)%.
  • Resist Surge: Reduces the damage of surge attacks by 5L%.
  • Warp Resistant: Currently unused, presumably reduces the push/pull distance and/or duration of Warp effects.
  • Resist Curse: Reduces the duration of Curse effects by (10+6L)%.
  • Resist Toxic: Reduces the damage of Toxic effects by 5L%.


  • Defense Buff: Increases the unit's health by 2L%. Purchasable Special units have different growth: their health increase is 8L%.
  • Attack Buff: Increases the unit's attack power by 2L%. Purchasable Special units have different growth: their attack power increase is 8L%.
  • Move Speed Up: Increases the unit's movement speed by L. Only 1 unit has different growth: Crazed Catgirl Yuki's movement speed increase is 2L.
  • Improved Knockback: Currently unused, presumably increases the unit's number and/or push distance of knockbacks from damage.
  • Cost Down: Reduces the unit's cost by XL. The value fluctuates with Empire of Cats Chapters (Chapter 2 as default: Reduced by 1/3rd in Chapter 1, Increased by 1/3rd in Chapter 3).
  • Recover Speed Up: Reduces the unit's recharge time by XLf. Only 3 units have different growth: Skelecat and Cataur's recharge time reduction is (X2+XL)f, while PPT46's recharge time reduction is (X2.5+XL)f.
  • Attack Frequency Up: Reduces the unit's time between attacks by XLf. Does not affect the length of the unit's attack animation or backswing. Currently exclusive to Ultra Talents.

Upgrading Costs[]

Upgrade costs for all Talents are broken down into four cost brackets. The first encompasses Talent-exclusive status effect resistances and stat buffs, in addition to upgrading effects or abilities that the unit in question already has. The second encompasses new effects/abilities which can then be upgraded for greater effect. The third (currently only used for Special and Uber Rare Cats) encompasses new and upgradable effects which also unlock a new target trait. Lastly, the fourth encompasses new target traits, as well as effects and abilities that can't be upgraded. A few special exceptions exist, and are listed underneath the following table.

In addition, NP costs are affected by unit rarity, with Rare Cats being the least expensive to unlock Talents, followed by Special/Super Rare and Uber Super Rare Cats. NP costs for Ultra Talents - exclusive to Uber Super Rare Cats - are even more expensive.

The amount of NP required for each type of Talent, at each rarity is as listed below:

Step NP Costs
Resistance/Buff, Preexisting Effect/Ability Upgrade New Effect/Ability (Upgradable) New
Effect + Target (Upgradable)
New Target/
Effect/Ability (No Upgrade)
Unlock 10 50 75 75
Level 2 10 -
Level 3 10 -
Level 4 10 -
Level 5 10 -
Level 6 15 20 -
Level 7 15 20 -
Level 8 15 20 -
Level 9 15 20 -
Level 10 15 20 -
Total 125 165 215 75

Step NP Costs
Resistance/Buff, Preexisting Effect/Ability Upgrade New Effect/Ability (Upgradable) New Target/
Effect/Ability (No Upgrade)
Unlock 5 25 50
Level 2 5 -
Level 3 5 -
Level 4 5 -
Level 5 5 -
Level 6 10 -
Level 7 10 -
Level 8 10 -
Level 9 10 -
Level 10 10 -
Total 75 (25)1 95 50

Step NP Costs
Resistance/Buff, Preexisting Effect/Ability Upgrade New Effect/Ability (Upgradable)2 New Target/
Effect/Ability (No Upgrade)
Unlock 10 50 75
Level 2 10 -
Level 3 10 -
Level 4 10 -
Level 5 10 -
Level 6 15 -
Level 7 15 -
Level 8 15 -
Level 9 15 -
Level 10 15 -
Total 125 165 75

Step NP Costs
Resistance/Buff, Preexisting Effect/Ability Upgrade New Effect/Ability (Upgradable) New
Effect + Target (Upgradable)3
New Target/
Effect/Ability (No Upgrade)
Unlock 15 75 100 100
Level 2 15 -
Level 3 15 -
Level 4 15 -
Level 5 15 -
Level 6 20 25 -
Level 7 20 25 -
Level 8 20 25 -
Level 9 20 25 -
Level 10 20 25 -
Total 175 235 285 100

Step NP Costs
Resistance/Buff, Preexisting Effect/Ability Upgrade New Effect/Ability (Upgradable) New Target/
Effect/Ability (No Upgrade)
Unlock 20 100 150
Level 2 20 15 -
Level 3 20 15 -
Level 4 20 15 -
Level 5 20 15 -
Level 6 25 -
Level 7 25 -
Level 8 25 -
Level 9 25 -
Level 10 25 -
Total 225 285 150

1 Only applies to Catasaurus' Critical Talent, which caps at Level 5. Number in parenthesis shows total cost of a five Level Talent.
2 Also applies to The Kitty of Liberty's Knockback (Alien) Talent.
3 Does not apply to Paladin Cat's Freeze (Metal) Talent, which is priced the same as an upgradable new ability with no new target.

List of Units with Talents and Ultra Talents[]

See each unit's article for more information.

Note that some Talents have different names than the abilities they unlock. Most are relatively the same, but Attack Up, which is different from Attack Buff, actually gives the unit Strengthen. Ultra Talents are listed in bold.



  • Flying Ninja Cat: Target Black, Dodge Attack, Move Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Riceball Cat: Immune to Freeze, Immune to Toxic, Immune to Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Pastry Cat: Barrier Breaker, Weaken, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Skelecat: Weaken, Resist Slow, Recover Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Heavy Assault C.A.T.: Massive Damage, Immune to Weaken, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Gato Amigo: Knockback, Immune to Surge, Resist Freeze, Resist Slow, Defense Buff
  • Ultimate Bondage Cat: Freeze, Dodge Attack, Immune to Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Dark Lazer: Wave Attack, Immune to Weaken, Cost Down, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Dancer Cat: Surge Attack, Immune to Freeze, Immune to Waves, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Beefcake Cat: Attack Up, Immune to Surge, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Loincloth Cat: Barrier Breaker, Immune to Warp, Weaken Alien, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Lollycat: Slow Metal, Immune to Weaken, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Hyper Mr.: Knockback Zombie, Immune to Freeze, Immune to Warp, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Li'l Cats

  • Li'l Mohawk Cat: Critical, Immune to Waves, Immune to Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Eraser Cat: Resist Toxic, Soulstrike, Dodge Attack [Zombie], Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Dark Cat: Target Aku, Freeze, Resist Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Macho Legs Cat: Shield Piercing, Knockback, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Lion Cat: Shield Piercing, Cost Down, Immune to Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Flying Cat: Target Relic, Curse Immunity, Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Island Cat: Target Aku, Wave Attack, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l King Dragon Cat: Mini-Wave, Survives, Immune to Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Li'l Jamiera Cat: Shield Piercing, Immune to Weaken, Resist Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff


  • Jiangshi Cat: Resist Slow, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Chill Cat: Knockback, Resist Weaken, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Cyborg Cat: Survives, Immune to Toxic, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Catasaurus: Critical, Resist Knockback, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Maximum the Fighter: Immune to Slow, Resist Curse, Immune to Weaken, Resist Toxic, Defense Buff
  • Dread Pirate Catley: Survives, Resist Slow, Immune to Waves, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Goemon Cat: Attack Up, Zombie Killer, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Sanzo Cat: Weaken, Slow, Survives, Target Angel, Defense Buff
  • Doctor Cat: Resist Knockback, Resist Curse, Target Relic, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Necro-Dancer Cat: Wave Attack, Immune to Toxic, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Enchantress Cat: Slow, Survives, Target Zombie, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Cataur: Zombie Killer, Target Zombie, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Recover Speed Up
  • Elemental Duelist Cat: Resist Weaken, Target Angel, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Recover Speed Up
  • Rodeo Cat: Resist Curse, Target Relic, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Recover Speed Up
  • Acrobat Cats: Surge Attack, Immune to Waves, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Robocat: Dodge Attack, Immune to Knockback, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Ramen Cat: Resist Slow, Resist Knockback, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Cameraman Cat: Survives, Critical, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Corrupted Psychocat: Weaken, Slow, Resist Freeze, Target Zombie, Defense Buff
  • Thaumaturge Cat: Resist Freeze, Resist Curse, Immune to Waves, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Weedwacker Cat: Target Aku, Resist Surge, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Ectoweight Cat: Target Alien, Resist Weaken, Savage Blow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Bellydance Cat: Target Aku, Slow, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Super Rare[]

Rare Cat Capsule

  • Can Can Cat: Money Up, Target Alien, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Roe Cat: Resist Freeze, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Cyberpunk Cat: Slow, Survives, Barrier Breaker, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Octopus Cat: Weaken, Resist Freeze, Resist Slow, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff
  • iCat: Resist Slow, Resist Freeze, Move Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Fishman Cat: Slow, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Luxury Bath Cat: Knockback, Resist Weaken, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Ultra Delinquent Cat: Attack Up, Savage Blow, Resist Weaken, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Tathagata Cat: Weaken, Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Juliet the Maiko: Freeze, Resist Knockback, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Pizza Cat: Slow, Wave Attack, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Slapstick Cats: Weaken, Immune to Knockback, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Catophone: Barrier Breaker, Target Alien, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Seafarer Cat: Freeze, Immune to Warp, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Housewife Cat: Savage Blow, Resist Weaken, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • The Kitty of Liberty: Knockback (Alien), Immune to Warp, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Fiend Cat: Tough Vs, Target Angel, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Merc Storia

  • Artist Orthos CC: Knockback, Immune to Slow, Mini-Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Uber Rare[]

The Dynamites

  • Ice Crystal Cat: Survives, Resist Slow, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Attack Up, Dodge Attack, Target Metal
  • Cat Machine Mk 3: Freeze, Immune to Knockback, Move Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Attack Frequency Up, Curse Immunity, Barrier Breaker
  • Greater Balrog Cat: Attack Up, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down
  • Paladin Cat: Freeze Metal, Zombie Killer, Immune to Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Cats in the Cradle: Slow, Resist Slow, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Joyful Nurse Cat: Slow, Knockback, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Sage Slayer, Mini-Surge, Cost Down
  • Cat Quest Heroes: Dodge Attack, Immune to Toxic, Resist Weaken, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Lasvoss Reborn: Recover Speed Up, Colossus Slayer, Move Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Sengoku Wargods Vajiras

Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals

  • Divine Windy/Ultimate Windy: Freeze, Attack Up, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Divine Thundia: Attack Up, Resist Wave, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Divine Kuu: Weaken, Resist Wave, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Attack Frequency Up, Target Relic, Immune to Surge
  • Divine Kai: Shield Piercing, Resist Wave, Resist Weaken, Resist Slow, Attack Buff
  • Divine Coppermine: Resist Wave, Resist Slow, Cost Down, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Attack Frequency Up, Target Zombie, Mini-Surge
  • Divine Kalisa: Slow, Curse Immunity, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Move Speed Up
  • Divine Twinstars: Curse Immunity, Slow, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Divine Myrcia: Dodge Attack, Curse Immunity, Immune to Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Lords of Destruction Dragon Emperors

Ancient Heroes Ultra Souls

Dark Heroes

  • Inferno Akira: Freeze, Attack Up, Survives, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Target Aku, Surge Attack
  • Mission Control Mekako: Weaken, Knockback, Survives, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Ultimate Catman: Dodge Attack, Immune to Warp, Immune to Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • The Grey Fox/The Spectral Cat: Immune to Warp, Curse Immunity, Cost Down, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Mad Doctor Klay: Curse Immunity, Immune to Waves, Immune to Warp, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Target Traitless, Immune to Surge, Colossus Slayer
  • Akuma Hayabusa: Target Aku, Shield Piercing, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Section Chief Gravicci: Target Relic, Curse Immunity, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Bad Blaster Saki: Strong, Survives, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

The Almighties The Majestic Zeus

  • Almighty Zeus: Resist Wave, Resist Weaken, Target Zombie, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Behemoth Slayer, Slow
  • Almighty Anubis: Surge Attack, Immune to Surge, Barrier Breaker, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Attack Frequency Up, Cost Down, Shield Piercing
  • Almighty Aphrodite: Slow, Resist Curse, Resist Wave, Resist Freeze, Resist Weaken, Attack Buff, Attack Frequency Up
  • Almighty Amaterasu: Zombie Killer, Barrier Breaker, Survives, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Almighty Ganesha: Attack Up, Resist Weaken, Immune to Knockback, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Almighty Poseidon: Dodge Attack, Resist Freeze, Savage Blow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Almighty Chronos: Resist Curse, Resist Slow, Move Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Almighty Hades: Curse Immunity, Slow Relic, Weaken Relic, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Frontline Assault Iron Legion

Nature's Guardians Elemental Pixies

  • Bazibastra: Attack Up, Resist Weaken, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Mizuririn: Slow, Survives, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Aervanta/Aervantex: Weaken, Dodge Attack, Resist Curse, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Gigavolta: Curse Immunity, Immune to Slow, Immune to Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Girls & Monsters: Angels of Terror

  • Fox Queen Himeyuri: Target Relic, Curse Immunity, Resist Freeze, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Mini-Surge, Cost Down
  • Mer-Queen Ruri: Target Relic, Curse Immunity, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Dodge Attack, Move Speed Up, Immune to Freeze
  • Eternal Reika: Target Relic, Curse Immunity, Resist Slow, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Jester Queen Deale: Knockback, Immune to Waves, Immune to Weaken, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Opulent Verbena: Critical, Survive, Resist Freeze, Defense Up, Attack Up

Tales of the Nekoluga

  • Ultralan Pasalan: Freeze, Resist Wave, Defense Buff, Attack Buff, Cost Down, Immune to Surge, Survives, Dodge Attack
  • Assassinlan Pasalan: Slow, Survives, Dodge Attack, Defense Buff, Cost Down
  • E. Kubilan Pasalan: Slow Metal, Immune to Waves, Resist Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Lufalan Pasalan: Critical, Immune to Weaken, Resist Surge, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Shishilan Pasalan: Mini-Wave, Immune to Slow, Resist Weaken, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Mystican Pasalan: Strong Vs. Relic, Survives, Immune to Toxic, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Red/Air/Metal/Wave Busters

Princess Punt Sweets

  • PPT46: Target Angel, Curse Immunity, Recover Speed Up, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • Manic Princess Punt: Critical, Target Zombie, Zombie Killer, Defense Buff, Attack Buff
  • HMS Princess II CC: Survives, Immune to Weaken, Immune to Waves, Defense Buff, Attack Buff

Merc Storia

Survive! Mola Mola!

Shoumetsu Toshi


  • Talents only take effect for a unit's True/Ultra Forms. Ergo, if you unlock Immortal Nobunaga's Survives Talent then switch his form to Oda Nobunaga or Wargod Nobunaga, he will not survive lethal strikes, while as Phantasmal Nobunaga he still can.
  • Talents and their levels are not capped or disabled by the Aku Altar, so their boosts and effects still apply.
  • Talents which add a new target trait do not overwrite a unit's existing target trait(s) - i.e., a Catophone with Target Alien unlocked can still use its Slow ability on Angels.
  • The best units to exchange for NP are those who are only used for debuffing, like Bishop Cat, Shaman Cat and Psychocat, as their base stats are generally too low for them to benefit much from + levels. Keep in mind however that this comes at the cost of not raising User Rank.
  • One of the more efficient methods of accumulating NP is to exchange duplicate Li'l Cats obtained from Lucky Ticket events, which can be farmed rather quickly and easily by the time you start considering Talents.
  • As of Version 11.1's introduction of Cat Capsules+ unlocked after Cats of the Cosmos Chapter 3, farming regular Ticket events becomes more viable as each Normal Cat can now sell for 2 NP instead of just 1 NP. In fact, saving duplicate Normal Cats for this doubled NP gain is a good idea, even with how late in the game Cat Capsules+ is available.
  • While Defense Buffs and Attack Buffs are no doubt useful to have, their impact is not worth the NP invested in most cases. Prioritize upgrading your units to the highest level possible and unlocking useful new abilities or buffs such as Move/Recover Speed Up before spending NP on Defense/Attack Buffs. An exception to this are the purchasable Special Cats, as not only do their Talents improve health/attack by 80% instead of 20%, but the stat-oriented ones practically require investment in their Defense and/or Attack Buffs before their other Talents.
    • Similarly, one should seriously consider whether upgrading Resistances is worth doing, as it costs as much or more NP to raise a Resistance to Level 10 than it does to unlock an Immunity for a unit of the same rarity or one rarity higher. Notably, Resist Weaken Level 10 does not prevent being perma-weakened by Winged Pigge, Resist Slow Level 10 does not prevent being perma-slowed by Croakley, Resist Curse Level 10 does not prevent being perma-cursed by a plurality of Relic enemies (not to mention most units with Resist Curse would die in one or two hits to a Relic enemy anyways,) and Resist Wave/Surge/Toxic Level 10 are nigh-universally insufficient at making units viable against enemies with these capabilities. Combining these Talents with the matching Style customization is recommended, though even with the maximum 85% effect reduction (excluding Toxic) many enemies will still have 100% or higher effect uptime.
  • Talents that give units a chance to knockback enemies range from double-edged swords, providing a form of crowd control that can get your units killed in stages with strong backliners, to downright counterproductive, most notably in Chill Cat's case. Likewise, upgrading Move Speed Up on already fast units allows for easier rushing and more lenient timings, but also carries the risk of making them clip right into dangerous enemies' attacks.
    • This is similarly true of Talents that grant units immunity to knockback and warp, as they have the potential to help against certain enemies with these abilities, but will make the unit more vulnerable against other such enemies. If the cat unit in question has low health or many knockbacks (such as Hyper Mr.), then unlocking these immunities is unlikely to positively affect their performance.



  • Excluding Warp, Warp Resistant and Improved Knockback - which appear in the Filter but are unused - the following effects/abilities have yet to appear as Talents: Attacks Only, Insanely Tough, Insane Damage, Base Destroyer, Metal, Wave Shield, Counter-Surge, Single Attack, Area Attack, Long Distance and Omni Strike. For most of these effects and abilities, the reason is self-evident.
    • Similarly, the collaboration-exclusive Witch Killer and Eva Angel Killer abilities - which are used but don't appear in the Filter - have not appeared as Talents and almost certainly never will.
  • The first (and currently only) units to have six Talents were Subterra Sentinels, which received Talents in Version 11.3; and B.C.S. Lionheart and NEK-02 Air Citadel, which were retroactively given Soulstrike Talents in the same update.
  • When viewing a unit's abilities and targets, those unlocked through Talents will have differently colored borders around them depending on whether they can still be leveled up: red-and-orange if upgrades are still available, golden if otherwise.
  • There are a multitude of typos and inconsistencies in Talent names and descriptions.
    • While most Effect + Target Trait Talents are simply named "X Trait" (X being the effect in question,) Liberty Cat's Knockback (Alien) and Master of the Pacific's Dodge Attack (All) Talents are written with parenthesis and Li'l Eraser's Dodge Attack [Zombie] Talent is written with square brackets.
    • While most non-buff, non-upgrade Talents are described as "Gain the "X" ability." (including effects), the following Talents are described as "Unlocks the "X" ability.": Dodge Attack, Shield Piercing, Savage Blow, Mini-Wave, Mini-Surge, Surge Attack, Resist Surge, and Resist Toxic. Curse, Colossus Slayer and Behemoth Slayer Talents are similarly described with 'Unlocks', but have no quotation marks around the ability name. Lastly, 'Unlocks' with quotation marks is used for all Effect + Target Talents.
    • While most buff Talents are described as "Unit's X will increase/decrease. Level up to further increase/decrease X!", Recover Speed Up is described as "Unit's recovery time will [sic] shortened. Level up for even faster recovery!" and Attack Frequency Up is described as "Unit's attack frequency is increased. After lvl. up, attacks become even more frequent."
    • The following Talents are named and/or described differently to the effect/ability they unlock:
Talent Name/Desc. Actual Name
Strong Strong Against
Tough Vs Resistant
Dodge1, Immune2 Dodge Attack3
Attack Up4 Strengthen
Survives4 Survive
Money Up Extra Money
Surge Attack Surge Attacks
Curse Immunity Immune to Curse
Resist Surge Resist Surge Attack
Resist Toxic Resistant to Toxic

1 Talent is named correctly but described incorrectly.
2 Talent is named correctly but described incorrectly in this way only for Li'l Eraser Cat.
3 Talent is named and described correctly only for Master of the Pacific.
4 Talent is named incorrectly but described correctly.

See Also[]

