The Bloody Wharf is the fifth stage in Marine Ministry. This stage is a remake of Dungeon of Dreams.
- 1 Berserkory spawns as the boss after 6.67 seconds200f.
- 1 Sunfish Jones spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- 1 Sunfish Jones spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
Wait for a bit, then send out iCat and Octopus Cat followed by meatshields. Your Octo should stay alive in time for your 2nd iCat to perma-freeze the Berserkory. After that, just meatshield and do damage until Berserkory dies. After that, you can deal with the Jones pretty easily. Use area-attackers like A. Bahamut to quickly dispose of their HP. Do not use single-target cats, or else the Joneses will un-sync and you won't have a good time.