Battle Cats Wiki
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The Forbidden Bride (禁断の花嫁, Kindan no Hanayome, The Forbidden Bride) is the June event in The Battle Cats.


During this event, access the "The Forbidden Bride" stages by visiting the "Stories of Legend" game mode!
New and unknown enemies await you! There might even be something interesting at the end of the quest!
This event starts the 1st of June (6/1/2024) and continues until the 1st of July (7/1/2024)

Finish the stage and get a chance to obtain the event-exclusive Madam Bride!

Obtaining the Exclusive Cats[]

You can find Madam Bride when you clear the event stages! Your chances will increase greatly if you play the more difficult stages!
You have a 100% chance to get it if you also use the Treasure Radar item!
Item treasure en
The Treasure Radar can be found at the Item Shop! Grab it anytime!
* After you have picked up Madam Bride, you can find it under Rare Cats in the Upgrade screen.



Gatyachara 109 f
Madam Bride


Enemy icon 087
Gory Groom

List of Stages[]

The Forbidden Bride[]

The Forbidden Bride (禁断の花嫁, Kindan no Hanayome, The Forbidden Bride)

Mapname030 s en Mapname030 s ja Difficulty
Translation Energy
Stage 1 Mapsn030 00 s en Wedingu Sōdō Wedding Turmoil 30 EnergyIcon
Stage 2 Mapsn030 01 s en Shusseki Daikō no Yūjin Attendance Agent Friend 50 EnergyIcon
Stage 3 Mapsn030 02 s en Imadoki Gondora Gondola Nowadays 75 EnergyIcon
Stage 4 Mapsn030 03 s en Shakō Jirei no Būke Tosu The Flattery Bouquet Toss 85 EnergyIcon
Stage 5 Mapsn030 04 s en Shinrōgawa no Shitsukoi Shimo Neta Persistent Undertones From the Groom's Side 90 EnergyIcon
Stage 6 Mapsn030 05 s en Machigaeta Hanayome no Na Name Of the Wrong Bride 95 EnergyIcon
Stage 7 Mapsn030 06 s en Moto Kano no Shukuji Former Kano Congratulations 100 EnergyIcon
Stage 8 Mapsn030 07 s en Saishū Teki ni Chikaimasen. We Do Not Swear To the End. 115 EnergyIcon

First Appearances[]

English Version[]

  • June 1st, 2015 to June 30th, 2015

Japanese Version[]

  • June 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2014


The Battle Cats Wiki has a gallery for The Forbidden Bride (Monthly Event).
TFB(ME) icon
Visit this page to see it.
TFB(ME) icon

