Battle Cats Wiki

The Infected King is the sixth and final level in Quarantine Isles.


This level introduces Big Sal for the first time.

The boss (Big Sal) spawns soon after the beginning of the level.

There are four Camelles in the enemy base. One will spawn for every 20% of the base health is taken away.

Taking too long causes Ms. Sign to appear.


This stage can be cheesed easily with the right cats (Cat Jobs, Mighty Bomburr or Kubilan Pasalan), even in 3 stars, but it is very hard otherwise, as you don't just need to deal with sal but also with 4 camelles. The use of Metal Macho is highly recommended for the camelle part, as 1 can keep a camelle perfectly in place for exactly enough time for another metal macho to come, meaning that even in 3 stars you can stall camelle (just make sure they are far away from their base). For the part with Big Sal, there are many possible strategies:

Strategy 1

Using Rich Cat and Sniper Cat is highly recommended.

Lineup: Mohawk Cat, Macho Legs Cat, Crazed Gross Cat, Crazed Dragon Cat, King Dragon Cat, Maglev Cat, Jameira Cat, Crazed Titan Cat, Awakened Bahamut, Waitress Cat.

If you are using Sniper Cat, turn him off.

Spawn Maglev when Big Sal spawns. It will force him to burrow twice. After he burrows, Spawn Macho Legs, Gross, and both Dragons, as well as Maglev.

Repeat this combo, then spawn Bahamut and Waitress when Big Sal begins his attack on the base. Use the Cat Cannon(or turn on Sniper Cat) to let him get an extra hit on Sal. Waitress Cat should then finish off Big Sal. After that, use both Titans, Bahamut, and Maglev to kill the Camelles. Make sure to not do too much damage, or the Camelles will stack.

This strategy requires specific levels and specific amount of damage done. Refer to the walkthrough video for the full specification on how many units and when to spawn them..

Strategy 2

Lineup: Any "Unit Attack Up M" combo, Crazed Wall, Crazed Gross Cat, Crazed Dragon Cat, King Dragon Cat, Maglev Cat, Awakened Bahamut. Use Manic Eraser and Dragon if you have them.

Rich Cat will likely be needed here to maximize the spammability of the cats. The extra attack works extremely well, as it decreases Big Sal's effective health into 83% of his usual health. Sniper could also help move Sal back a little to buy some time.

When starting the level off, immediately spawn your Crazed Wall/Manic Eraser. Big Sal, as a boss, has the characteristic to always start off with an attack animation when spawning if there is an enemy in his range. From the entire lineup, only Wall Cat gets outranged by Big Sal and enters his attack range, so this would help stalling Sal for a good few seconds by making him do his attack animation before moving and starts burrowing.

Start spawning your ranged attackers, and do not spawn Wall anymore, and do not spawn Bahamut. Remember to only spawn dual dragon and c.gross, and spawn them at the same time. They all have the same movement speed, so they can all sync up together when spawned together. They will all be able to land two hits before Sal bumps into one of them and burrows. C.Gross have a longer recharge time, so there may be several ocassions where you would want to spawn dual dragons only instead of waiting for all three. Everytime Sal gets close to the ranged cats, spawn Maglev quick enough so that he can hit Sal before burying, but late enough so that the ranged cats can hit Sal twice before burying. Try to save your Cat Cannon for his second life for this entire run.

When timed correctly, Maglev will hit Sal TWICE. This means that Sal will also burrow twice. Time your cats correctly and mind the fact that Sal will burrow for a second time so that your next ranged stack will not miss him. If the whole process is done correctly, you should be able to kill Sal off before he gets near the base without Bahamut.

For his second life, do the same thing, but once he gets very close to the base but not close enough to do his attack animation, spawn a wall to make him burrow and spawn Awakened Bahamut right when he is the middle of burrowing animation. This would cause him to take one hit from Bahamut, and then resurface right before Bahamut's next hit, getting hit the second time. As he is in the near-end of his attack animation, use the Cat Cannon to reset his animation, allowing Bahamut to do another hit. With enough damage from Bahamut and the other cats that you brought out, you should be able to kill the weakened Big Sal.

Strategy 3

If you have Mighty Bomburr, you can forever stall this enemy until it dies. Just spawn him when Big Sal is at your base. His Knockback Zombie ability will stall Big Sal, while his Zombie Killer finishes Big Sal off. Just remember to not spawn any cats that will make him burrow, for it will make Bomburr miss and move past Big Sal.

Strategy 4

If you have Warlock and Pierre, this stage will be extremely easy. Start by spamming Crazed Wall/Mania Eraser Cat. Once you have enough money, send out Warlock and Pierre. If Warlock stops in front of Big Sal and it does not borrow yet (Warlock out-ranges Big Sal), send an Express Cat quickly to trigger the burrow. Warlock, if maxed level, should be able to kill the base in three hits and done so before Big Sal kills yours. Stall the Camelles with Titan/Crazed Titan and the Wall cats

Strategy 5 (rng)

Using Lumbercat is mandatory for this strat, bring as many freeze up combos as you can. At least one zombie killer that deals decent damage is required; Sarukani is highly recommended but even skelecat can get the job done. Holy Valkyrie Cat is optional, she makes the strat easier but risks big sal reviving and ruining the run.

The goal is to keep big sal frozen long enough to kill him, before he completes his attack animation. This strat requires luck and will likely take multiple attempts.

Wait for big sal to approach your base, building up your money as much as possible. When he is close enough that he will not burrow, send out lumber cat and all of your zombie killers. If possible you want to freeze him before he is close enough to attack, increasing your time to work with. Continue to send your zombie killers and if you are lucky, he will die and won't be getting back up. Kill the camelles and you win.

Strategy 6:

using freshman/ professor cat jobs, you can weaken big Sal to the point that he does only 2400 damage to the base, giving you plenty of time to kill him. you should use zombie killers because if he revives prof cat jobs will walk past Sal and you would be doomed. then try to kill the camels one by one using long ranged or fast suicide bombers to kill them. then that's it... you won! Do note that even with the Antimatter Fruit treasure maxed out, proffessor cat jobs will not be able to perma-weaken big sal, meaning that there is a tiny window of oppertunity for sal to one hit your base. This can be prevented by also bringing along a Weaken Effect Up (M) combo and a Weaken Effect Up (Sm). 


Walkthrough Video Player
The Battle Cats - The Infected King Elichi

