Template:EnemiesAppearing The Sauna Crew is the fifth stage in Above & Below.
- 1 Mr. Mole spawns.
- 5 Dolphinas spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 16.67 seconds500f.
- 2 Mr. Moles spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 3.33 seconds100f.
- Infinite Dolphinas spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
- 10 Mr. Moles spawn after 300 seconds9,000f, delay 3.33~10 seconds100f~300f.
- 10 Dolphinas spawn after 300 seconds9,000f, delay 3.33~10 seconds100f~300f.
- 2 Dolphinas spawn after 1.67 seconds50f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
- 20 Those Guys spawn after 1.67 seconds50f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 13.33~26.67 seconds400f~800f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
First, you must deal with Dolphina, a fast enemy unit. Spam your meatshields and spawn fast cats (A. Bahamut Cat, Maglev Cat, Manic Lion Cat) to kill her. Next, when dealing with Mr. Mole, use close-range attackers as he has Long Distance. MAKE SURE the Dolphina and Mr. Mole don't reach the Cat Base. Kill them as soon as possible. Finally, destroy the enemy base.
Example lineup: Cool Japan (Ninja Cat, Riceball Cat, Samurai Cat, Sushi Cat), Awakened Bahamut Cat, Manic Lion Cat, Lion Cat, Maglev Cat, Jamiera Cat, Crazed M. Titan Cat