Battle Cats Wiki

Twilight Poachers is the second stage in Galapa-Goth.


This is a timed-attack stage, so the player must destroy the Enemy Base before time runs out, or Assassin Bears will be spawned infinitely. This will almost always result in a loss.

  • 5 seconds after the start: the Boss - Dober P.D - appears.
  • A single Assassin Bear will spawn at 50 and 76.67 seconds since the start.
  • Assassin Bear will infinitely spawn after a period of time since the start.
  • One Assassin Bear will also spawn when the Enemy Base's health is down to 99%.


Strategy 1

Line Up: Awakened Bahamut, Crazed Giraffe (for safety) and any high damage cats (single damage is OK)

Cat Combos: All combos are good if they give you more damage>money>unit speed

Recommended Power-Ups: Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat

Strategy: Start with anything else but Bahamut and turn Sniper off. When the first Assassin Bear comes, make sure that your line is not blocking it so Sniper Cat can take that bear down. Then continue sending those high damage cats again, also leave Sniper on so it can recharge for next bear. At this point you should have killed Dober, now hope that your Bahamut is still alive so you can finish the base in time.

Like the first stage, Immortal Keiji can make this stage a breeze.

Bring meatshields, Sniper The Cat, Holy Valk, A. Bahamut, Keiji, and any other anti-shockwave uber.

Start by spawning Keiji, meatshields, and other anti-shockwave ubers. They will work on the Dober.

Use the Cat Cannon to kill the first bear. Have the Sniper take out the second.

Once the second bear spawns, the Dober should be almost dead. FInish him off with Awakened Bahamut. Once the Dober dies, make sure you have Keiji.

Keiji can tank and kill the final Bears. Along with Sniper, you can easily finish this stage.

Strategy 2

Lineup》 Cupid Cat, UFO Cat, lil' macho, Baby Geo, Neo Psychocat, Manic Island Cat, Manic Flying Cat, Manic King Cat, Manic Jaimera, Awakened Bahamut

Row 1 is purely cat canon combos and Manic Jaimera can kill the Assassin bears with his wave attack. The cat cannon should recharge quick enough to take care of Assasin Bears with Manic Jaimera as a back up. Manic Island can take a few hits with Manic King whilst you wait for Awakened Bahamut.

Strategy 3 (ideal for 2 and 3 stars)

Lineup: Cat Jobs, Manic Macho Legs, A. Bahamut, Octopus or another wave blocker.

The plan is to let Dober hit the base first, while killikg the first bear with the cannon, then you have to summon the wave blocker, legs and Jobs.

Since Dober is hitting your base, when you summo nManic legs he'll be close enough to the Dober to let his waves reach far back enough to hit the bears, so all youbeed to do is to keep summoning these units and the bears will bepowerless.

When Dober takes a knockback, you'll be exposed, so just summon A. Bahamut and kill him, then rush to the base.

Since the previous bears were killed by Legs' waves the cannon will be ready to use if needed.

Strat 4 (4 stars):


the best set of cannon recharge combos you have, Rich Cat the III if you have a free space, Thaumaturge at an high enough level to tank an hit from weakened Dober without taking a knockback, A. Bahamut, Cyborg, Li'l Jamiera and an high level Zamboney.

Detailed level progression:

Level Begins → Worker lvl 2 → Dober Spawns → summon Thaumaturge → Li'l Jamiera → Thaumaturge → Bear #1 spawns → Cannon → Bear Dies → Li'l Jamiera, Thaumaturge and A. Bahamut → Boss takes a knockback → Bear #2 → Bear kills cats and gets in front of Dober → Zamboney → Bear dies → Cyborg and Thaumaturge → Dober may die → Bear#3 → cannon → Bear dies → Cyborg and Thaumaturge → Dober may die → Bears #4, #5 and #6 → Zamboney → Li'l Jamiera and everything as improvised meatshields → Cannon ready → trio of bears dies → repeat last steps until Dober is dead → alternate the bear kills between cannon and Zamboney → win the level.

