Battle Cats Wiki
This feature is exclusive to the Japanese version of The Battle Cats but it may also appear in other versions such as BCTW and BCKR!

U.F.O. Corps Strikes! (U.F.O.軍団 強襲!U.F.O. Gundan Kyōshū!) is a Nissin U.F.O collaboration stage added in version 9.5. This Gauntlet features both Yakisoba U.F.O. Cats and a new enemy known as Yakisoba Face.



U.F.O. Corps Strikes! contains a total of 20 No Continues levels. After beating a stage, the player must wait for 30 minutes before they may enter the map again. Rewards for the first completion of a stage can include XP, Battle Items, Tickets and Leaderships. The rewards reset with every appearance of the event.

Stage Battlegrounds

See U.F.O. Corps Strikes!/Levels 1~20.

Play Requirements

  • U.F.O. Corps Strikes! is unlocked after clearing Empire of Cats Chapter 1.

List of Stages

Japanese Version English Translation
Stage 1 ①読まない作り方 ① How to Make Without Reading
Stage 2 ②お湯張り線探し ② Search For Hot Water Line
Stage 3 ③小袋出さずにお湯投入 ③ Add Hot Water Without Opening the Pouch
Stage 4 ④足りないお湯 ④ Not Enough Hot Water
Stage 5 ⑤うっかりかやく忘れ ⑤ Accidentally Forget
Stage 6 ⑥温め逃したソース ⑥ Missed the Sauce
Stage 7 ⑦勝手に開くフタ ⑦ Lid That Opens
Stage 8 ⑧何分たったっけ? ⑧ How Many Minutes?
Stage 9 ⑨流しがべこっ ⑨ The Sink
Stage 10 ⑩シンクへ放たれる麺 ⑩ Noodles Thrown Into the Sink
Stage 11 ⑪フタ裏にかやく ⑪ Protect the Back of the Lid
Stage 12 ⑫失踪!青のり袋 ⑫ Blue Glue Bag Disappear!
Stage 13 ⑬貰い忘れた割りばし ⑬ Forgotten Chopsticks
Stage 14 ⑭混ぜる手にこもる力 ⑭ Mixing Power
Stage 15 ⑮沈みゆくかやく ⑮ Slowly Sinking
Stage 16 ⑯むせる一口目 ⑯ First Bite
Stage 17 ⑰曇るメガネ ⑰ Cloudy Glasses
Stage 18 ⑱笑顔に光る青のり ⑱ Shining Smile with Blue Glue
Stage 19 ⑲手に残るにおい ⑲ Smell That Remains
Stage 20 ⑳ごちそうさま! ⑳ Feast!

First Schedule

Japanese Version

  • June 5th, 2020 to June 19th, 2020


  • U.F.O. Corps Strikes! is currently the only Gauntlet to have unique names for each individual stage.

