Battle Cats Wiki

Release Dates[]

  • Japanese: April 19th, 2021
  • International: May 24th, 2021


Added 2 new units, CRO ranges from 609~610:

CRO Name Rarity Source
609 Dark Aegis Garu UR Gatya bnr590
610 Gold Brick Cat EX
  • Day 1: Daily Bonus
CRO Unit Rarity Changes
523 Shigong Cat RR HP: 11,220 → 16,320

Slow Immunity

533 Bad Blaster Saki UR Relictraiticon


610 King Nekokhamen EX HP: 4,250 → 5,100

Poison immune

CRO Unit Rarity Changes
047 Maximum the Fighter RR Slow Immunity Slow Immunity

Resistcurseability Reduces curse duration by 16%, improves by 6% per level up to 70%
Weaken Immunity Weaken Immunity
Resisttoxicability Reduces toxic damage by 5% per level up to 50%.
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%

212 The Grey Fox UR Warp resist Warp Immunity

Epicability1 Curse Immunity
Costdownability Reduces cost by 40¢/60¢/80¢ per level up to 400¢/600¢/800¢
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%

306 NEK-02 Air Citadel UR Strengthen Adds 5% attack power at 43% health, increases 5% per level up to 50%

Poison immune Toxic Immunity
Resistfreezeability Reduces freeze duration by 16%, increases 6% per level up to 70%
Zukan icon41 Soulstrike

Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%


ERO Enemy Trait
549 Ragin' Gory Black Behemoth


New Additions[]

Stage Name
Uncanny Legends Mapname034 na en
Events Mapname250 s en
Miscellaneous Mapname001 v en Mapname002 v en Mapname003 v en Mapname004 v en Mapname005 v en

Stage Changes[]

Stage Name Changes
Miscellaneous Mapsn021 01 na en Less Metal Doges spawn

Cat Combos[]

Name Cats Effect
Street Bazaar Stilts CatFood Stall Cat "Knockback" Effect UP (Sm)
Working Vacation Bath CatHeavy Assault C.A.T. "Massive Damage" Effect UP (Sm)

Gacha Events=====Banner Changes=[]

Banner Added Units Removed Units
Gatya bnr590 Uni609 f00


  • Added 4 new User Rank rewards:
    • 13,600 grants 5 Special Catseyes.
    • 13,700 grants 5 Rare Catseyes.
    • 13,800 grants 5 Super Rare Catseyes.
    • 20,000 grants 1 Platinum Ticket.
  • Breakerblast and Curse Blast can now be upgraded to Lvl. 30.
  • Cats' abilities can be checked during battle by holding their respective icons.