Battle Cats Wiki

Release Dates[]

  • Japanese: December 8th, 2021
  • International: January 6th, 2022


Added 7 new units, CRO ranges from 637~643:

CRO Name Rarity Source
637 Xiaoqiong & Cat EX Catnip challenges
638 Nana & Cat RR Mapname183 c ja
639 Emilia & Cat RR Mapname184 c ja
640 Ann & Cat EX
  • Day 1: Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collaboration Event
641 Iz the Dancer UR Gatya bnr688
642 Lucifer the Fallen UR Gatya bnr677
Gatya bnr678
Gatya bnr679
643 Superfeline N Cat Capsule#Cat Capsules+
CRO Unit Rarity Changes
314 Festive New Year Neneko SR ATT: 2,550 → 7,650

DPS: 602.36 → 1,425.47
TBA: 4.23s → 5.37s
Recharge: 58.1s → 43s

594 Ultra Atlantis Logistix UR Survive 0% → 100%

Dodge 0% → 30% for 60f2 seconds

CRO Unit Rarity Changes
427 Cat Quest Heroes UR Dodge Adds a 20% chance to dodge attacks for 24f0.8s, improves by 4f0.13s per level up to 60f2s

Poison immune Toxic Immunity
Resistweakenability Reduces weaken duration by 16%, improves by 6% per level up to 70%
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%

522 Fiend Cat SR Resistant Resistant

Angeltraiticon Target Angel
Resistslowability Reduces slow duration by 16%, improves by 6% per level up to 70%
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%


ERO Enemy Trait
592 Red EnerG Red
593 Archangel Exiel Angel Colossus
594 Big Peng Z Zombie Colossus
595 Tiger Doge Traitless
596 Nana & Doge Traitless
597 Emilia & Doge Traitless


New Additions[]

Stage Name
Uncanny Legends Mapname040 na en
Events Mapname285 s en Mapname286 s en Mapname287 s en
Gauntlet Mapname036 a en Mapname037 a en Mapname038 a en Mapname039 a en Mapname040 a en
Collaboration Mapname182 c ja Mapname183 c ja Mapname183 c ja
Miscellaneous Mapname007 v en

Stage Changes[]

Stage Name Changes
2 Crown Stages Mapname019 na en Mapname020 na en Magnification: x1 → x1.4
3 Crown Stages Mapname006 na en Mapname007 na en Mapname008 na en Magnification: x1 → x2
4 Crown Stages Mapname003 na en Mapname004 na en Mapname005 na en Restrictions: Only Special and Rare Units
Miscellaneous Mapsn008 05 na en Sir Rel Unlimited → 6

Gacha Events[]


Banner Added Units Removed Units
Gatya bnr688 Uni641 f00
Gatya bnr677
Gatya bnr678
Gatya bnr679
Uni642 f00

