Curse Immunity Adds a 20% chance to curse for 24f0.8s, improves by 4f0.13s per level up to 60f2s Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20% Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%
Target Relic
Curse Immunity Reduces freeze duration by 16%, improves by 6% per level up to 70% Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20% Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%
Damage dealt to Behemoths is increased, damage taken from them is decreased, and there is a set chance to dodge their attacks.
Adventurer Kanna's attacks now have effective ranges of 300~800 on the 1st hit, 250~750 on the 2nd hit and 500~1,000 on the 3rd hit, rather than 300~700 on every hit.
With the exceptions of the Dagshunds in Lonely Goldfish and the Bore Jrs in A Pile of Guts, all the spawn timer changes were for enemies whose minimum spawn time was higher than the maximum.