Adds a 100% chance to slow Metal enemies for 39f 1.3s, improves by 9f 0.3s per level up to 120f 4s
Immune to Waves
Reduces surge damage by 5% per level up to 50%
Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%
Curse Immunity
Immune to Slow
Immune to Freeze
Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%
Added Ultra Talents for 1 Cat:
Adds a 20% chance to dodge attacks for 24f 0.8s, improves by 4f 0.13s per level up to 60f 2s
Upgrades movement speed by 1 per level up to 10
Immune to Freeze
Now shows the enemies' traits and Special Abilities in the upper-right corner of the screen, just like in the Cat Guide.
Enemies' traits are no longer shown next to their names.
Most Event Enemies are now included but do not have descriptions. This gives official names to some enemies that were previously unnamed, such as Li'l Cake Doge and Chocolate Doge.
Jumping to the Enemy Guide by clicking on enemy icons in the "Enemies Appearing" window after tapping a stage name only shows the enemies appearing in the stage, rather than the entire Enemy Guide.
Quitting a stage after 10 or more seconds will allow the player to see all enemies appearing by tapping on the stage's name. Previously, this could only be done after winning or losing the stage.
Added a new stage mechanic, unofficially dubbed "Base Barrier":
Prevents the enemy base from being damaged until the boss is defeated, at which point the Base Barrier automatically shatters. In stages where the boss only spawns when the enemy base is damaged, the Base Barrier won't appear until the boss spawns.
Uses sprites for a green Barrier that were added to the game's files in Version 13.2.
In BCEN, the Enemy Guide update gave many enemies new names different from the ones they already had in event announcements. Below is a table listing the name changes.
The new names of Pumpkin Doge, Vendor El, Festival Sign Girl, Ice Doge, Golden Doge, Gold Hippoe, Gary Gory and Metal Snache are closer to their Japanese names, while Bears Be Bare and Bears Be Back are named after their respectiveevents.