Battle Cats Wiki

Release Dates[]

  • Japanese: July 23rd, 2019
  • International: August 8th, 2019


Added 6 new units, CRO ranges from 496~501:

CRO Name Rarity Source
496 Narita Kaihime UR Gatya bnr396
Gatya bnr397
Gatya bnr398
497 Shakurel Cat EX
  • Day 1: Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event
498 Shakurel Lion EX
  • Day 1: Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event Sale
499 Shakurel Tiger EX
500 Shakurel Panda EX
501 Cat Bros RR Mapname206 s en
CRO Unit Rarity Changes
324 Green Shell Cat RR HP: 68,000 → 102,000

DPS: 31.85 → 31.87
TBA: 266.9s → 266.7s
Speed: 25 → 35
Attack Animation: 266.8s → 266.6s

401 Gigavolta UR HP: 44,200 → 54,400

ATT: 25,075 → 34,000
DPS: 4,202.51 → 5,698.32
Freeze Alientraiticon for 90f3 seconds → 110f3.67 seconds

CRO Unit Rarity Changes
059 Cats in the Cradle UR Slow Adds 40% chance to slow for 24f0.8 seconds, increases by 4f0.13 seconds per level up to 60f2 seconds

Resistslowability Reduces slow duration by 16%, increases by 6% per level up to 70%
Epicability1 Curse Immunity
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%

304 CAT-8 Behemoth UR Slow Adds 40% chance to slow for 39f1.3 seconds, increases by 9f0.3 seconds per level up to 120f4 seconds

Zukan icon14 Adds 2% chance to create Lv 4 Wave Attack, increases 2% per level up to 20%
Resistfreezeability Reduces freeze duration by 16%, increases 6% per level up to 70%
Defenseupability Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Attackupability Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%


ERO Enemy Trait
468 Zuche Zombie
469 The Thrillerz Zombie
470 Shakurel Doge Traitless
471 Shakurel Gory Traitless
472 Shakurel Face Floating
473 Shakurel Lion Traitless
474 Shakurel Tiger Traitless
475 Shakurel Panda Traitless


New Additions[]

Stage Name
Main Chapters ItF2OMenuButton
Uncanny Legends Mapname015 na en
Events Mapname205 s en Mapname206 s en
Collaboration Mapname105 c en

Stage Changes[]

Stage Name Changes
4 Star Additions Mapname044 n en Restrictions: Only Special and Rare Units

Gacha Events[]


Banner Added Units Removed Units
Gatya bnr396
Gatya bnr397
Gatya bnr398
Uni496 f00


  • Added 1 new User Rank reward:
    • 11,300 grants 5 Super Rare Catseye.
  • Added 1 new Special Ability: Savage Blow.
  • Added ability to view enemies appearing in a stage by tapping the stage's name in the map screen. Enemies will display as question marks if the stage hasn't been attempted yet.

