Battle Cats Wiki

Release Dates[]

  • Japanese: March 3rd, 2020
  • International: February 20th, 2020


  • Added 6 new units, CRO ranged from 534~540:
CRO Name Rarity Source
534 Hades the Punisher UR Gatya bnr497
Gatya bnr498
Gatya bnr499
535 Hatsune Miku UR Gatya bnr494
536 Sakura Miku UR
537 Kagamine Rin & Len UR
538 Miku Cat RR Mapname126 c en
539 Rugby Cat RR Mapname229 s en
CRO Unit Rarity Changes
173 Citizen Mola SR Recharge: 14.53s → 7.87s
174 Master of the Pacific UR Range: 491 → 551
357 Jester Queen Deale UR DPS: 5,452.36 → 7,435.04

TBA: 5.5s → 4.03s


ERO Enemy Trait
500 Hatsune Miku Floating
501 Sakura Miku Floating
502 Kagamine Rin & Len Floating
503 MikuDoge Traitless
504 MikuGory Traitless
505 MikuBear Traitless
506 Everlord Wanwan StarredAlien


New Additions[]

Stage Name
Uncanny Legends Mapname022 na en
Events Mapname229 s en
Enigma Mapname000 h en Mapname001 h en Mapname002 h en Mapname003 h en Mapname004 h en Mapname005 h en Mapname006 h en Mapname007 h en Mapname008 h en
Collaboration Mapname126 c en Mapname127 c en Mapname128 c en
Mapname129 c en

Gacha Events[]

New Additions[]

Button Banner
Gatya btn43 Gatya bnr494


Banner Added Units Removed Units
Gatya bnr497
Gatya bnr498
Gatya bnr499
Uni534 f00


  • New Cat Combo feature that allows the user to search for specific Combos.
  • When changing their lineup for a stage that has already been completed, the player will be asked if they want to use the last one they used for that stage.