Village of Sacrifice is the first stage in Weekend Honeymoon #2.
- 3 Gories spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
- Infinite Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- 2 Znaches spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 1 Zomboe spawns.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Gory spawns as the boss.
- 3 Zomboes spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.
- 3 Zackie Pengs spawn, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
- 3 Znaches spawn, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.
- 1 Dagshund spawns after 30 seconds900f.
- 1 Dagshund spawns.
- 3 Gories spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
Due to the very low magnifications of the enemies here, spamming tanky Cats like Whale Cat and Mythical Titan Cat will be enough to beat the stage.