Battle Cats Wiki

Wrath of B-Cyclone is the first stage in NEO Darkness Heaven. It drops 1 million XP when first completed.


Rarity: Only Rare


It is an exact copy of Attack on B-Cyclone, just with a restriction in place. Although this severely limits the player's options, it still allows the use of powerful Rare Cats such as Cyborg Cat, Sanzo Cat and Cameraman Cat, making it an easy stage if one has the aforementioned units.


Strategy 1: Lineup: Cat Eastwood (11), Plane Cat (25), Cyborg (40). Powerups: None/Cat CPU/Rich Cat This is a very simple strategy- feel free to add other cats as you see fit (such as Bombercat). Worker Up/Research Up combos may potentially benefit the strategy. Simply spam Cat Eastwood, Plane Cat, and Cyborg Cat. Eventually, you will win.

