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Year's End Bash (2015忘年会ガチャ, 2015 Bōnenkai Gacha, 2015 Year End Party Gacha)


Players have a chance to get the following Uber Rare and Super Rare characters:

▼Uber Rare
Normal: Nurse Cat Evolved: Heartful Nurse Cat
Nurse Cat
Massive Area Attack firepower with long range!
Knockback and Slow against Floating/Black enemies!
Heartful Nurse Cat
Massive Area Attack firepower with long range!
Knockback and Slow against Floating/Black enemies!
Normal: Uesugi Kenshin Evolved: Warlord Kenshin
Uesugi Kenshin
Strong Area attack alongside strong defensive ability.
Strong against Black enemies, with 100% knockback.
Warlord Kenshin
Strong Area attack alongside strong defensive ability.
Strong against Black enemies, with 100% knockback.
Normal: Kalisa Evolved: Kalisa type x
Punishes enemies with fast, powerful attacks.
Massive Area damage against Angels.
Kalisa type x
Punishes enemies with fast, powerful attacks.
Massive Area damage against Angels.
Normal: Dioramos Evolved: Archdragon Dioramos
Incredibly tough defense, super powerful Area attacks.
Might knockback Angels!
Archdragon Dioramos
Incredibly tough defense, super powerful Area attacks.
Might knockback Angels!
Normal: Kachi Kachi Evolved: Fire Squad Kachiyama
Kachi Kachi
A speedy hero with quick attacks!
Might weaken Angels and Aliens (Area Attack)
Fire Squad Kachiyama
Fantasy to Sci-Fi: TRANSFORM! Super speed + strength!
100% chance to weaken Angels and Aliens (Area Attack)
Normal: Warlock and Pierre Evolved: Dark Merchant Babil
Warlock and Pierre
Area attacks only hit Aliens/Floating/Bases.
Tough defense, specialist in destroying enemy bases!
Dark Merchant Babil
Powerful, but only attacks Aliens/Angels/Bases.
Gains extra money when defeating enemies (Area
Normal: Togeluga Evolved: Togelan Pasalan
Could be a Cat? Or could be something much weirder.
Togelan Pasalan
A Luga with massive damage at looooong range, who
survives one lethal attack and gets stronger as she
takes damage!
▼Super Rare ▼Rare
Gold Cat Neneko Cat Base Mini Metal Cat
Regular Super Rare drops, Gold Cat, Neneko, Cat Base Mini, Metal Cat Regular Rare drops



  • On the banner, Kachi-Kachi is called Kachiyama, which is a part of the name of his Evolved Form.

